
Hi, I'm Kristina...

I created LiveLoveLungs to document my thoughts, feeling, and lessons learned as my mother transitions from life to the afterlife.

Lucky for me, I was busy learning how to put these pieces together and was not able to focus on documenting the process. Unfortunately, on August 23rd, 2020, God called Mom home. I was unable to capture the journey through a lung transplant and continue to record happy times ahead.

I’m blessed with a fantastic family, amazing friends, and an amazing life. However, I struggled to cope with the onset of my mother’s terminal Interstitial lung disease. I searched for a way to put purpose behind the new life we were left to navigate through.

LiveLoveLungs is a safe space to share lessons learned and grieve openly. I hope that if you’re dealing with the loss of a loved one that you find some comfort in my words, stories, and experiences.
I want you to know… You are loved and not alone.

With love,
